Bhubaneswar: The fake currency notes worth Rs.3 lakhs seized from a passenger at Khurda Junction Thursday afternoon have been sent to the Central Forensic Lab for examination to ascertain the extent of their similarity with genuine currency notes. A Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) source said if tests point to close similarities between the two then the matter would be handed over to National Investigation Agency (NIA). DRI sleuths seized the fake currency notes from the passenger travelling to Bengaluru by the Kamakhya-Yeshvantpur Express. He had boarded the train from Malda in West Bengal. He told DRI officers that he had purchased the notes from a man at Kaliachak area in Malda district. The notes were reportedly brought from neighbouring Bangladesh.
Undivided India
Acounterfactual is thinking about something that might have happened but did not happen. As we celebrate yet another Republic Day, there...
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