Serious side effects of skipping breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But, a major proportion of us have a tendency to skip breakfast. Not many understand that it is a very bad habit. There are serious side effects of skipping breakfast.

There is an old saying that one should never skip his breakfast. Here are a few reasons why you should follow strict morning breakfast diet.

Bad for heart: According to a study, men who skip breakfast have about 27% more chances of sustaining a heart attack when compared to those who eat breakfast. People who avoid breakfast are also known to have an increased susceptibility to hypertension in turn, leading to clogging of arteries. This, on the other hand, puts them at an increased risk of developing chronic cardiovascular health conditions, including stroke.

Risk of Diabetes: Women who had the habit of avoiding breakfast were at a higher risk of developing Type-2 diabetes, than women who had their daily breakfast. Even worse, working women who skipped their morning meals had 54% more chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Negative impact on mood and energy levels: Avoiding breakfast can have negative impacts on energy and mood. People who avoid breakfast showcase poorest memory skills and highest fatigue levels.

Risk of Cancer: Skipping breakfast can make you overindulge in food during the day time. This in turn paves the way for increased prevalence of obesity. According to research that was conducted by Cancer Research UK, it was found out that a person who is overweight or obese has an increased risk of developing cancer.

Triggers Hair Loss: One of the major side effects of skipping breakfast results in hair loss. Yes, a meal that contains dangerously low levels of protein could affect the levels of keratin, averting hair growth and triggering hair loss. Breakfast is the quintessential meal of any day and has a major role in promoting the growth of hair follicles. So, if you wish to enjoy a lush, strong hair with zero hair fall, then you ought to indulge in a protein-rich breakfast daily.

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