Actress Prakruti Mishra is on cloud nine after her Odia movie Hello Arsi was selected the best Odia film at the 65th National Film Awards. Her joys knew no bounds when noted director and award selection panel chief Shekhar Kapur praised her performance, which won her a special mention for the film. Her journey from being a child actor in Odia TV serials to become a film actress , Prakruti has performed in all genres of modern entertainment. Currently, she is busy with the shooting of her maiden lead role in a Hindi TV serial titled Bitti Businesswali. In a conversation with Arindam Ganguly of Orissa POST , Prakruti talked at length about her career in films, TV and her reaction on winning laurels at the National Film Awards. Here is the excerpt:

Q Are the accolades you received for your performance in Hello Arsi most precious to you?

A Definitely, it is rare to get such recognition and appreciation from ace filmmaker Shekhar Kapur. What is more satisfying is that it was for an Odia movie and this makes me more proud of myself. In fact, this award will be always special for me.

Q How do you rate this movie and its director Sambit Mohanty, who passed away recently?

A It is very unfortunate and sad that he is not here to enjoy the success of his hard work. This film was very special for him and it is my good luck and honour to be the part of such a movie. He had bestowed lot of confidence in me and I am glad that I did not let him down.

Q Tell us about your character in the film. Was it difficult to portray?

A Portraying this character was an emotional journey for me. It’s a story of a girl who turns into a sex worker after suffering from the consequences of industrialisation and land acquisition. The story actually depicts the emotional journey of two characters. While shooting the film, I tried to feel the pain the character underwent. Another problem was that we used to shoot in the scorching temperatures prevailing in Rourkela.

Q Are you expecting the film to get good response from the audience once it is released in theatres?

n I will say that it will be big loss for the industry and people if it does not fare well in the theatres. I believe that if we want to see any positive changes in the industry, we must promote such films. The regional film industry in other states is doing very well and it’s time that our regional films are also showcased, especially because they tell wonderful stories.

Q How you will analyse your career so far and how do you see your future in the industry?
A Right now I am happy with my career and enjoying the way it shaping up. I am ready to start shooting for the TV serial Bitti Businesswali in which I am playing the lead role. It will be aired on &TV channel. Raakesh Paswan is the creator of this new show. The show is about a young lady winning dignity with financial freedom. I had done few more serials such as Trideviyaan and Jai Kanhaiya Lal Ki on Star Bharat. In addition, I also performed in a Hindi music album titled Pyasi Hai Rooh which will released soon.

Q Are you doing any Odia film now?

A Presently I don’t have anything planned. I had one Odia movie Paglu, which is awaiting a release date

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