Actress Shraddha Kapoor, is all set to celebrate the New Year in Las Vegas while shooting for her forthcoming venture “ABCD 2”
“I am celebrating New Year in Vegas because we are going to shoot there for ‘ABCD 2’,” said the actress. Directed by Remo D’Souza, “ABCD 2” is a sequel to his directorial debut ‘ABCD: Anybody Can Dance’ that released last year. The film also features Varun Dhawan.
The Bollywood diva who tasted success with two back-to-back hits – “Ek Villain” and “Haider” is brimming with excitement of spending New Year in Las Vegas, Shraddha said: “I am going to have lots of fun there. Very few people get the opportunity to spend New Year in Vegas and I am one lucky person. Remo sir has told us that we are going to stay back after the shoot and celebrate New Year there.”
The actress also says she doesn’t believe in New Year resolutions. “It has been a very special year for me and I hope this run continues. As far as new year resolution is concerned, I won’t make any resolution because I am scared of breaking them,” she said.