Viksit Odisha @2036

Signs that Goddess Lakshmi will come to your house on Diwali

Signs that Goddess Lakshmi will come to your house on Diwali

For the land of festivals, India, this time of the year is rather joyous and celebratory. Diwali 2019 falls October 27, 2019 and the preparations for it have already begun in full swing. From buying new clothes to decorating your houses and organizing Diwali parties, one can’t help but notice the festive spirit in the air.

It is said that on Diwali, Mother Lakshmi enters into people’s homes. For which people decorate their homes on Diwali. The mother who is most pleased with the devotion of her devotee comes to the earth from Baikuntha Dham to visit her home.

Let’s know about the signs that inform you about the arrival of Mother Lakshmi into the house.

-The first sign that has been taken into the consideration is if you can see a mole in the house. It is considered auspicious to see mole-rat on this day and if you see a mole-rat in your house on the night of Diwali then it will not mean lack of money but the arrival of Goddess Laxmi.

-The second sign is seeing your name in spider webs on Diwali. It means that you have the blessings of Mother Lakshmi and you are going to be rich soon.

– Being the vehicle of mother Lakshmi, the appearance of owl is also not less than a miracle on this day. Mother Lakshmi has three close associations – elephant, lotus, and owl. If you see any of these three especially an owl then you are blessed with not only wealth but also peace and prosperity.

– If you often find money slipping away from your hand, during any transaction (even in your dreams) then it’s an indication that your financial stand is set to increase and will reflect on your asset. If you consistently find yourself, scratching your palms, then it’s an indication of immense wealth-related opportunities coming your way.

– If you are visited by your ancestors in your dreams, during these auspicious Diwali days, then it’s a sign of receiving good news related to ancestral property matter. Dreams can provide a quick path to connecting with our direct ancestors.


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