Simple guide to impress a girl in WhatsApp

Have you ever met a girl and wished you had her number and exchanged texts. There are chances that the girl is also impressed with you and wants to share her number. But, it is your courage that is required to approach the girl.

Scroll down for five things that will make her attracted to you, and get you meeting her in person.

#1 when you get her number, save yourself on her phone as something fun

Typically, something that reminds her of how you met is best. It’s a little thing but it makes a big difference every time you contact her because it reminds her of your sense of humour and something that she likes about you. The goal is really just to make her smile when she sees a text from you.


#2 After you’ve added your name into her phone, send yourself a text as her.

Start by sending yourself goofy compliments as her so you could say for instance, “OMG …dream come true. I’m so happy I finally have your number, you handsome devil.”


#3 Once you’re talking, do not make it all logistical.

Most guys text things like, “Hey, this is Jack. I had a really great time meeting you. How is the rest of your night?” This is a nice thought but it is so boring because it’s just pure logistics.

Instead, send things that create emotion like, “How was your night? Pick up any other handsome gentlemen at the bar?”

#4 Use call back humour.

Callback humour is, by far, the easiest way to create your own unique and funny text — you just reference something that made her laugh when you’re interacting. Don’t beat the same theme to death though by referring to it over and over again because then you’re just the guy clinging to the one positive moment that you shared together.

# 5 Make plans in something she can get excited about.

After two or three rounds of fun text back and forth, you’re usually more than ready to set up plans. If you invite her to a salsa dancing class, that’s a little bit more fun or a cool mixology bar or even to go get the world’s best ice cream cone — that’s also a lot of fun.

The point is if you can keep your invitation low pressure and exciting, you’re way more likely to get a yes than if you keep it high pressure and generic.


Do all these five tips and you’ll have moved flawlessly from getting a girl’s number to the first date. Of course, you’re going to have to meet her before you can get her number. Using these tips you have known how to text a girl.

Make sure not do creepy things after you get her number because that will be a major turn off for her.

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