SMC to produce agarbatti from waste flowers from temples


Sambalpur: Sambalpur Municipal Corporation (SMC) has taken up an innovative step to produce Agarbatti from the waste flowers of the temples of the city.

Only Samaleswari Temple produces tons of flowers every day and it is exorbitantly on higher sides Tuesdays and festive occasions.

“Normally, the temple authorities throw these waste flowers after Puja or at the end of the day to the water bodies or on the ground that creates pollution.

But the new step of the SMC will be helpful to prevent this and also provide income to persons engaged in the work,” said Pradeep Kumar Sahoo, the commissioner of SMC.

“We are preparing a detailed plan for it and once it is finalised, the work will be entrusted to an SHG of the city where the lady members will be immensely benefited,” Sahoo said.


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