Bhubaneswar: In the first six months of this year, about 550 people were arrested on various counts in narcotics related cases in the state, according to data released by the Special Task Force (STF) of State Crime Branch. During the same period, 364 cases were registered against them under the NDPS Act.
STF Superintendent of Police, Rahul PR, told the media here Friday that most of the persons arrested were mainly involved in smuggling of ganja and peddling of brown sugar while others in illegal sale of banned cough syrups like Corex and various psychotropic drugs.
According to the data, the break-up of cases is as follows: Ganja smuggling 271; brown sugar peddling 40; illegal trade in cough syrup 18; and cannabis plantation 35. Among the accused held in the above cases till now, 427 persons including 12 females were apprehended for transporting contraband ganja. Similarly, the sleuths arrested 58 drug peddlers – 52 males and six females.
Odisha Police including the STF seized more than 180 quintals of ganja, 630 grams of brown sugar, and 17768 bottles of cough syrup in various districts during the same period.
Rahul asserted that the illegal trade of brown sugar is widespread in the urban areas. The state government as well as the DGP RP Sharma has directed the police to deal tough with NDPS related cases and the accused persons.
A close look at the latest data reveals the number of NDPS related cases has witnessed a sharp rise in the state. While in the first half of this year 364 NDPS cases were registered, the number for the whole of 2018 was 601.
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