Some amazing health benefits of Lychee (Litchi) fruit

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Lychees or Litchis are always overshadowed by mangoes during summer. These tiny, strawberry lookalikes are packed with healthy nutrients and have some amazing health benefits.

Here are a list of reasons why you should include them in your summer diets.

Litchis are filled with Vitamin C, Vitamin B-complex and phytonutrient flavonoids.

They contain a rich amount of nutrients that are required for the production of blood in our system. Filled with manganese, magnesium, copper, iron and folate, they help in the formation of RBC in our bodies.

The fiber and Vitamin B-complex found in the fruit increase our metabolism. The healthy amount of antioxidants in Litchis help prevent premature ageing.

The potassium present in Litchis helps regulates the balance of sodium in our bodies which maintains blood pressure and eliminates the possibility of strokes and heart attacks.

The antioxidants and Vitamin C combat against free radicals thus preventing cancer. They also help fight oxidative stress and protects the body from arthritis and other degenerative diseases.

Litchis have also been reported to be effective against asthma.

The rich dietary fiber present in Litchis helps maintain good cardiovascular health.

These were some of the reasons why Litchis should be your go-to fruit during summer seasons.


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