Bhubaneswar: “Project mode, not programme mode” were the words of Sports and Youth Services Minister Suryabanshi Suraj while sharing the vision of newly-formed governments in the state during his first visit to Kalinga Stadium here Monday. Suryabanshi held a review meeting with Sports Secretary Vineel Krishna, Higher Education Secretary Aravind Agarwal, Hockey Promotion Council Chairman Deepankar Mohapatra and other officials. “The review meeting is about the steps which have been taken in recent days and how many of them are currently effective. There will be a thorough review in the upcoming days,” said Suryabanshi. State’s performance at national level competitions is praiseworthy, but now the vision is to be recognised at the international level, he added. “We will be on project mode, not in programme mode,” the minister said, shedding light on the government’s approach for sports development in the state. “We hope that when Odisha completes its centenary, the state will be known as the ‘Sports capital of the world,’ asserted Suryabanshi. The minister also reviewed preparations for the upcoming ‘World Yoga Day’ and the infrastructure developments required in the stadium.
Ray of Hope
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