STA gears up for smooth Rath Yatra

Bhubaneswar: The State Transport Authority (STA) has undertaken a host of measures, including special buses from Cuttack and Bhubaneswar to Puri and police assistance at bus stops, to ensure devotees reach the Holy City and take back pleasant memories during Rath Yatra, an official said Wednesday. Chairing a coordination meeting with representatives from the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), police administration and bus owner associations at STA headquarters here, Transport Commissioner Amitabh Thakur said like in previous years, special permits will be issued for buses from other routes to Puri for Rath Yatra, Bahuda Yatra, and Suna Besha. “Interested bus owners can apply for permits which will be approved through a single window system at the STA headquarters,” Thakur said. He said special emphasis will be given to increasing the number of buses from Cuttack and Bhubaneswar to Puri.

Bus owner associations will have to ensure that passengers are not fleeced. Any instance of overcharging will be dealt with strictly in accordance with the law, Thakur said. “Not only buses, auto-rickshaws and other vehicles coming from Malatipatpur or Talabania to Grand Road should also refrain from overcharging. Puri Police and RTO will monitor this closely,” he added. Temporary rest sheds will be set up at bus stops, with arrangements for food and water by the administration. Lighting along the roads will also be ensured. Buses will be provided with first aid kits and ORS. Special permit buses don’t need to pay toll, fulfilling a long-standing demand of bus owners, the Transport Commissioner said. NHAI representatives present at the meeting were requested to take necessary steps in this regard. “Police assistance will be provided at bus stops to ensure that no passenger is harassed. Strict action will be taken against antisocial elements, with dedicated teams monitoring the facilities at bus stands, especially in Puri, Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.

Additionally, CCTVs will be installed at Talabania. Out-ofOdisha vehicles will stay at Malatipatpur,” he said. For the convenience of passengers and vehicles during Rath Yatra, a 24-hour control room will be set up in Puri by the RTO. “Vehicle breakdown services in collaboration with various companies, cranes and ambulance facilities will also be available. Special attention will be given to maintaining traffic flow. Dedicated teams will monitor critical points on national highways, especially areas prone to congestion like Palasuni and Hanspal here,” he said.


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