Strange clock in Switzerland that never struck 12

Nowadays timing is the most important thing in the world. So clock plays a pivotal role in daily life. But today we are going to tell you about a clock where 12 is not there. You will be surprised to hear the truth behind it.

This strange clock is in the city of Solothurn in Switzerland. There is a clock on the town square of this town where the clock has only 11 hourly markings.

Number 12 has gone missing out of it. Well there are many more clocks here, in which number 12 is missing. The reason is that the people here are very attracted to the number 11. Most of the designs of the town revolve around number 11.

People are so much attached to the number that they celebrate their 11th birthday in grand. The gifts given on this occasion are also linked to 11.

Apart from this, the importance of number 11 will be visible to you at the main church St. Ursus Cathedral (Cathedral of St. Ursus). Curiously, this church was built in 11 years. Apart from this there are also 11 doors and 11 bells.

It is said that at that time (11) people of Solothurn used to work very hard, but without prosperity. In Germany mythology ‘elf’ has super natural powers and in German, Elf means 11. So the people of Solothurn  got attached to number 11 and since then the people here started giving importance to number 11.



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