BHUBANESWAR: Regional College of Business Management organised the penultimate day of its annual flagship event ‘Brahmastra-2K20’ here Monday.
It is an amalgamation of business, sports, literary and cultural events curated to encourage professional readiness through fun, simulation games and brain-teaser.
The weeklong event saw enthusiastic student participation in various business as well as cultural events to showcase their skills and expertise. Participants bought sheer talent in the various competitions.
Teams from various educational instaurations of the state like BJB College, Birla Global University (BGU), REC, CET, IMIS, C V Raman, Silicon Institute, KIIT University, MICM, Utkal University, Koustov institute and RCM participated in different events to prove their skill and win hearts of fellow students. Programmes on Quiz, Crisis Management, Meet the press, Junk-Funk, AD-MAD show, solo song and group dance competition, Start-up, IPL-Bidding, Stock Trading, Memory run, Dance battle, Solo Dance and Ramp shows were organised during the event.
RCM has invited the best names from corporate and academia to view and judge participants and also brief them about their expertise to help students move up their learning curve.