Sushant Singh Rajput’s family writes to CBI alleging ‘unprofessional conduct’ by AIIMS director

Sushant Singh Rajput

Sushant Singh Rajput and his family Photo courtesy:

New Delhi: Sushant Singh Rajput’s family wrote Wednesday to the CBI alleging ‘unprofessional conduct’ by AIIMS director Sudhir Gupta. The family of Sushant Singh Rajput said a forensic report of the late actor has been leaked due to the ‘unprofessional conduct’. They sought a new panel for fair and proper assessment of his death.

The letter has been sent through advocate Varun Singh. It claimed that the leaked report, if correct, amounts to drawing a ‘biased and boastful’ conclusion from insufficient evidence.

“I have been reading in the media about the report submitted by AIIMS to CBI with regard to the opinion expressed by CBI in the matter of the death of Sushant Singh Rajput the June 14, 2020. I have also seen some doctors who were part of the AIIMS team come on TV. They also made statements with regard to the forensic examination done by the team,” Varun wrote.

The family has objected to the AIIMS report saying that Gupta-headed forensic team. However, he was not submitting a post-mortem report. He was only to expressing its opinion on the findings of Cooper Hospital in Mumbai.

Also read: AIIMS report on Sushant Singh Rajput a ‘slap’ on those ‘defaming’ Maharashtra: Jayant Patil

“Gupta has been giving media interviews about the sensitive case right from day one, questioning the doctors of Cooper Hospital for dubious autopsy and Maharashtra Police for hurried post-mortem and contamination and non-preservation of scene of crime,” the letter said. It added that there were several infirmities in the post-mortem report done at the Cooper Hospital.

Pointing infirmities, the letter said the post-mortem was done at night without there being any order of the Magistrate. Protocol was not followed as opined by several experts of forensic departments from all over the world.

“The videography of the post-mortem was not done. Sufficient viscera were not retained for future examination. The time of the death was not mentioned in the post-mortem report. The injuries on the body were not specified and thus there was no opinion expressed of the cause of such injuries,” the letter said.

“The leg which was fractured was not mentioned in the report. There were several other infirmities which could be pointed out by a genuine forensic examination. Somehow the same have been left out by the AIIMS team as expressed by one of the doctors in his interview telecast by a TV channel,” the letter alleged.

It contended that Gupta recently got the incriminating content of the report, submitted to the CBI. He leaked it selectively to a couple of media houses. He also irresponsibly commented that the death of Sushant is ‘conclusively’ a case of suicide and there is no foul play.

“Clearly the said leak is aimed at creating doubts in the mind of people. It is aimed at bailing out agencies who have not done their job as per rules and standard protocols, benefitting the culprits and derailing the course of ongoing investigation. The conduct of Dr Sudhir Gupta is unethical, unprofessional, in contravention of government service conduct rules and MCI guidelines,” the letter said.

“Therefore, the matter needs to be referred to another forensic team to be constituted by CBI by picking up some of the best names in the field from different hospital so that a fair and proper assessment takes place,” the letter further said.


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