Bhubaneswar: Devaki Prusty, the mother of Nalini Kumari Prusty, a former chief accounts officer of Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority in prison over corruption charges, Thursday committed suicide by jumping off an apartment building at Jayadev Vihar under the Sahid Nagar police station limits. The 70-year-old had been living in an apartment in the complex with her husband. Police said they were informed of the incident about 2 pm Thursday and were able to recover a suicide note. Sahid Nagar Police station Inspector in-charge Padmanav Pradhan said the letter will be sent to handwriting experts to ascertain whether it was written by Devaki.
Oligarchy In Making
The conspicuous presence of the three American tycoons – Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos – in the forefront...
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