The benefits of Imli

We all might have tasted the sweet and sour taste of tamarind or ‘Imli’. But then very few do really know that Imli has ayurvedic properties that can heal various types of diseases.

Here are some of the medicinal values of tamarind:

Juices made out of tamarind leaves if taken twice a day can cure piles.

Soaking cooked tamarind in water and drinking the same will stop vomiting

Dried tamarind seeds also help in increasing the sperm count in men and prevent early ejaculation. The seeds have to grinded into powdery form and mixed with sugar lumps. Then the mixture has to be taken with a glass of milk regularly and lo behold a new man will emerge.

Cooked tamarind juice mixed with sugar is the perfect antidote to prevent heartburn.

Tamarind leaves boiled in water and applied gives instant relief from sprain and bruises



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