The shape of your lips reveal about your personality

Fuller pouty lips

If your upper and lower lip is fuller then it means you’re a confident and gutsy lady. Many tend to inject and make ‘em fuller but that doesn’t change the personality. So make sure it is natural.

Fuller lower lips

There are many who have only their lower lip puffy. It indicates that you’re someone who loves seeking attention from others. You’re one of a kind- Someone who always wants to be a centre of the attraction.

Fuller upper lips

You’re a drama queen. Yep, that’s what your lips say about you. You love controlling people and yes you’re a bit of self-seeking too.

Thin lips

Women with thin-lips are very detail oriented. Yes, they love enjoying life to the fullest, are shy a bit and they are said to be a passionate-lover.

Wide lips

Women with wide stretched lips are said to be risk taker and they reach out for success too. Well if you’re one of ‘em then your lip shape reveals that you’re an expert in balancing things in your life.

Cupid bow’s lips

Firstly, the one with cupid lips are very attractive and they are full of imagination. They are romantic and also quick minded.

Fuller in the midst of upper and lower lip

The one with thinness around the corner of lips are said to be fun-loving and out-going as well. You are dramatic but a beautiful soul altogether.


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