These drinks are more dangerous than liquor

We know liquor can lead to weight gain. That said, there are a number of other drinks that we consume regularly without realising that they can prove even more dangerous than liquor when it comes to weight management.

Let’s take a look. 

Drinking coffee is good for health but if you add extra sugar or caramel or drink it by adding chocolate toppings, it increases weight rapidly. Coffee contains a component called caffeine. The major issue with caffeine is its extremely bitter taste which compels people to add sugar and milk to balance it out. This, in turn, can completely reverse the positive effects caffeine may have to offer. Adding more sugar will only mean adding up on calories, thereby causing weight gain.

Protein shakes are good for health for those who drink it after workouts. This apart, if you are not away from exercise or workout then protein shake can be dangerous for weight management as well as for health.

Be careful about consuming energy drinks as well since they also help increase weight. Most energy drinks contain ingredients to give you a temporary burst of energy. These ingredients often include a large amount of caffeine and simple carbohydrates such as sugar.

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