These home remedies can cure your UTI: Read on for details

These home remedies can cure your UTI: Read on for details

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Infection of the urinary tract can lead to severe discomfiture and pain. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are more prevalent in women than men. In most cases these types of infections occur due to hygienic reasons, not drinking water on a regular basis and not urinating on a regular basis. Diabetes can also lead to infections of the urinary tract. In women, a large number suffer from infections during menopause. To prevent being affected by such a disease here are some home-made remedies that one needs to follow.

White cardamom

Consumption of white cardamom helps in getting rid of urinary tract infections. Grind five to six cardamom seeds and mix it in half a teaspoon of dry gourd powder. Drink it with lukewarm water with a bit of salt and pomegranate juice and you will feel better immediately.

Coconut water

Drinking coconut water can prevent and also cure infections associated with the urinary tract. Coconut water hydrates the body from the inside and cools the stomach which helps in preventing infections. As it is a natural diuretic, it flushes out bacteria from the body through the urine.

Indian gooseberry

Consumption of Indian gooseberry powder with cardamom seeds also helps in curing and preventing urinary tract infections.

Apple cider vinegar

Drinking plenty of fluids always helps in flushing out virus within the body. One can drink apple cider vinegar for UTI relief. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with eight ounces of water and consume this mixture up to three times a day. You can add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture for taste.


Proteins and minerals found in yogurt protect our body from infections. Curd should be consumed as it gives relief from the burning sensation one experiences during urinating. Buttermilk and milk are also helpful in preventing UTI.

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