The myriad shades of society and women


The dark world of drugs and the lonesome life of widowed women were showcased on the cinematic canvas

BHUBANESWAR: The third day of the IFFB saw an overwhelming crowd thronging the GKCM Odissi Research Centre to enjoy the films featured in the fest. The day opened with Kisalay’s Aise Hee. The film revolves around the life of Mohini Sharma – the protagonist becomes the focal point of attraction as she decides to start living for herself after the demise of her husband. Her newfound hobbies and freedom do not go down well with her family since she is expected to behave like a good widow.

As the story progresses, the narrative shifts diffuse with the other characters of the film.

One of the chief attractions of the day and the festival’s marquee feature is the Slamdance award winning movie Cat Sticks. The film teleports the audience to Kolkata’s hidden world of brown sugar addicts. Cat Sticks weaves its stories into a chiaroscuro, traverses with them through spaces real and unreal. The film has won an award at Slamdance and has been previously screened at Kolkata International Film Festival.

Praveen Morchale’s Widow of Silence is set in the valley, the film follows the story of a woman, as she tries to get the death certificate of her missing husband from the government. The film has previously been screened at International Film Festival Rotterdam Goteborg Film Festival, Busan Film Festival, and IFFK.

The day ended with Nicholas Kharkongor’s Axone. The film follows the story of two girls who plan to cook a special pork dish for their best friend’s wedding. Their plans are foiled since the neighbours complain of the smell. As they try out various ways to cook, this bittersweet comedy wafts through the pungent smells of racism in the metropolis. The film has been previously screened at the MAMI and London Film Festival. The third day of the festival housed Wanphrang’s (of ‘Lorni’ fame) workshop on Guerrilla Filmmaking which was followed by an interactive session between Cat Sticks’ maker, Ronny Sen and FSB Member and student film curator, Abhishek Parija on ‘Addiction Politics and Locating the Contemporary Artist’.

The fourth and final day of the festival, has in store some brilliant films including MCream (11am, Main Auditorium), Lihaaf: The Quilt (6pm, Main Auditorium), and Goutam Ghosh’s Raahgir (7:45pm, Main Auditorium) among others.

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