This is how coronavirus will change our eating habits

There can be no doubt that the pandemic coronavirus will have an ever-lasting effect on the global populace. Even after the vaccine to stop the spread of coronavirus is discovered, the world will never be the same again.

Since the emergence of the virus last December in Wuhan, lifestyle of people has changed drastically. To control the disease most of the 193 countries have implemented lockdown, a ban on public gatherings. Coronavirus has affected many industries and the hotel industry has not also been able to escape its fangs. The virus has affected the eating habits of all and sundry will continue to be there even after the mayhem ends.

Post-coronavirus many things will change and so will be eating habits.

Going vegan

Well for once people will stop experimenting with food. Human beings always had this knack to try out exotic and risqué food. However, with the thought that coronavirus originated from an animal market in Wuhan, people will certainly prefer vegetarian food now. Non-vegetarian food will certainly take a back seat. The animal market in Wuhan was famous for the slaughter of dogs, deer, snakes, frogs in front of customers. People loved experimenting with these food items. These certainly will change and foodies will play safe.

In India also, there are many who have turned completely vegetarian since the advent of COVID-19. They are not ready to risk even with chicken, mutton or fish. It has not been established that coronavirus can be transmitted through these three types of edibles. However, people are still staying away as much as they can from these three items. So if a large segment of people turn vegetarian due to coronavirus… do not be surprised.

Home-cooked food to become popular

With lockdown implemented and restaurants closed all across India (god knows when they will reopen again) home-cooked food is the order of the day. Home-cooked food is always healthier than those made outside. It is made according to the requirements of the members. The right amount of salt and oil make it a much healthier product.

With restaurants and roadside snack stalls closed eating outside and junk food has become passé. A survey conducted by the leading magazine ‘Variety’ has shown that people are now hesitant to visit public gatherings. It means they will prefer to eat at home. Hence for a substantial period of time, home eating will be the order of the day.

Intake of fruits and vitamins

Well coronavirus is usually fatal for people with pre-existing health conditions like blood diabetes and respiratory problems. The virus is deadly for people who are immune compromised. Since the advent of the virus in India, sales of healthy food have increased. People are preferring fruits and vegetables, stuff that will build up their immune systems. Sales of organic vegetables have increased worldwide, so has that of fruits like guava, apples and oranges – all rich in Vitamin C.

Boost for farm food

Post-coronavirus people will also want food with minimal human touch points. So they will stop going to restaurants or drop in for a quick bite at a snack stall. The lockdown will also impact the export and import of food products. More and more people will start depending on community agricultural products. They will want to know the origin of the food as safety measures. So this is another major change that entire food industry will notice. Farming will certainly get a boost as a large chunk of consumers will remain away from the animal variety.

Certainly eating habits will not be the same again. Coronavirus has been a tongue-changer also in the true sense of the word. The saying goes as ‘old habits die hard’. Now however, it can aptly be said ‘new habits are here to stay’. It will due to fear, due to health conscious. And once the ‘new’ turns into ‘old’ again human beings may just be that much better off.

At least till the next pandemic comes along. But then we will not be there to see it.




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