Viksit Odisha @2036

This is the way frontline COVID-19 warriors are getting rid of stress

Hyderabad: COVID-19 frontline warriors, including doctors and police personnel are going through acute times of stress. They are being to work continuously stretching to more than 12 hours a day. In such times of crisis many of them are finding music therapy a tool to ease their stress levels.

How music works

Music triggers most parts of the brain and reduces anxiety. It modifies stress response and activates relaxation response, said city-based Anasuya Ravikanti. She is a professional music therapist reaching out to people involved in the fight against coronavirus.

Ravikanti holds a doctorate in Carnatic music. She offers music as therapy to various patients at a corporate hospital here. She decided to chip in to support the ongoing battle against the deadly virus. Now she is providing her services to healthcare personnel and others.

“I have already reached out to several doctors and other professionals during the lockdown with my music sessions. This has helped them cope with stress,” Ravikanti said. She offers her services through ‘Swarajeevani’, an institute set up by her here.

Free of cost

She usually charges her patients for treatment. Now however, she is offering her services free of cost to doctors and others involved in the battle against COVID-19.

“Music is a unique human phenomenon. It is the only sensory experience that can activate all areas of the brain at the same time, simultaneously. That is the reason why music can influence psychological phenomena such as behavior and emotions,” Ravikanti informed.

Music can also bring about several physiological changes in the body. It would act as a stress buster. So I thought, as a responsible and concerned citizen, I would do a bit that I can. I am also conducting sessions through phone for doctors from different parts of the country,” she added.

Results guaranteed

Dr G Ravindra is the Professor and Head of the Department, CT surgery at the government Gandhi Hospital here. The hospital has been designated a COVID-19 facility. He is among those who underwent a session from Ravikanti.

The doctor said he felt relaxed and stress free after the session. It enabled him to sleep peacefully throughout the night.

“I thank the Swarajeevani management for their compassion and love for all frontliners treating COVID-19 patients,” Ravindra said.

The ‘World Federation of Music Therapy’, aims to promote the therapy throughout the globe. It says that auditory sensation can be used to optimise the quality of life for all individuals. It is an interpersonal process in which the therapist uses music and all of its facets. The facets include physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic and spiritual processes. It helps clients to improve or maintain their health.



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