This is what the different coloured stripes on packs of toothpaste indicate

This is what the different coloured stripes on packs of toothpaste indicate

We use toothpaste for brushing our teeth on a regular basis. Toothpaste is a paste or gel dentifrice used with a toothbrush to clean and maintain the aesthetics and health of teeth.

There are vital information which are on the tube and we are not aware of it. Different coloured stripes like red, green, black and blue on a tube of toothpaste provide important information that most people are not aware of.

The blue stripe on the tube of toothpaste means it contains a mix of natural ingredients and medicine. Green stripe means the toothpaste is all natural. Red stripe means a mixture of natural and chemical ingredients and black stripe means completely chemical.

It was rumored that the black colored stripe toothpaste contains more amount of chemicals, so it should be avoided. Similarly, toothpaste with red stripe also contains chemicals, but it is better than the black one. Only blue and green striped toothpastes are advised for the public.

Well, everything in the world is technically a composition of chemicals. Even all natural things are one type of chemicals. So there is hardly any distinction between chemical or non-chemical products.

As per one report, coloured stripes on the tubes are useless and meaningless to humans. In fact, it gives an indication to the light sensor installed in the tubes, helping machines identify the type and size of the tubes. Only light sensors can understand this, not humans.



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