This is why China does not play cricket

This is why China does not play cricket

China is very interested in global sports, but when it comes to cricket, it neither plays nor watches the sport.

But do you know why?

China is a big supporter of the Olympics and also works hard for the games, which is why Chinese players won most of the medals in Olympics. Since cricket is not part of the Olympics, this country does not give special attention to the game.

The second reason behind not playing cricket is that China was never under British colonisation. Countries that play cricket were somewhere in the past under British occupation. People of China are considered to be the best in sports like badminton, table tennis – both of which are part of Olympics.

Cricket is not a global sport. It is played only in a few countries around the world. This is also one of the reasons why people in China do not like cricket.

However, ICC is promoting cricket in China. In January this year, T20 tournament were organised, where Chinese women team also took part, but in the match it had made an embarrassing record.

In the T20 cricket tournament which was played in Bangkok between China and UAE, China’s women team scored 14 runs. This is the minimum score for any international match in terms of women and men’s T-20.



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