This is why dogs prefer to pee on car tyres

This is why dogs prefer to pee on car tyres

All of us have seen dogs urinating on car and bike tyres, on electric poles and bushes. But, have you ever wondered what attracts the dogs more to these places.

Many of us assume that they love these places. But very few people know the actual reason for this. While many people say that this is a hereditary tradition for dogs, today we are going to tell you the truth behind it.

Yes, there are some logical reasons behind it. It is said that dogs give first preference to vertical level targets for urination because it makes their target more accurate.

Not only this, due to this unique activity, they leave their scent at ‘nose height’ for other dogs. Worth mentioning, smell of their urine remains on the vertical surface for longer than at the horizontal one. It helps them mark their ‘area’ effectively.

At the same time, dogs are more social than any other animals and when they sniff the tyres of the car, they get a lot of smells there, which include garbage, food. At the same time, such a variety of smells attract dogs from far away. So, now you’ll now know what’s happening when you see a dog littering around a tyre next.



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