Malkangiri: Kusumguda is a village in Tandiki panchayat under Sadar block of Malkangiri district where the villagers are struggling for a pitcher full of drinking water even during this rainy season.
More than 30 households live in the village. Every morning, the sight of family members lugging buckets and earthen pots towards a pit can be seen. It is a short walk from their home. The villagers claimed that lack of drinking water has forced them to use water from the pit, though it is unsafe.
Previously there was a well at the entrance to the village. After several requests to the district administration, a tube well was set up in the village. However, most of the time it fails to provide adequate amount of drinking water. People waiting in front of the tube well are a common picture in the village.
“This is why we are compelled to use the pit for water. However, the pit water is also used for washing clothes and having a bath. Wild animals also quench their thirst at the pit, so it is unsafe for drinking. Many of us have fallen ill a number of times after drinking the pit water. However, we don’t have an option,” said villagers named Aita Durua, Deba Durua, Mangulu Durua, and Ishwar Durua.
They urged the administration to get tube well at the village repaired as quickly as possible.