This restaurant serves toilet water to customers

This restaurant serves toilet water to customers

Would you prefer to drink toilet water if any one offers you? Obviously no. Interestingly, a restaurant in Cuerne, West Flanders, uses a technique which consists of serving used and recycled water to its customers.

The name of this restaurant is Gust’eaux restaurant in Kuurne, Belgium. Sinks and toilet water are recycled for customers using a complex, five-step purification system. The water purifier installed by the restaurant also makes the drain water completely clean and makes it drinkable. The most remarkable thing is that the system adds minerals to the water before it is served to clients.

The customers of the Belgian Gust’eaux restaurant in the Dutch-speaking municipality of Cuerne (Kuurne), near Kortrijk, have been offered since October 11th recycled table water which has previously been served in the toilets of this establishment, as well as only beer made from this purified water.

The purifier contains various filters designed to remove the smallest impurities, kill bacteria and viruses, and neutralize harmful substances. The device includes activated carbon filters and a disinfection system that uses UV radiation, according to the media but as the treated water becomes too pure to be drinkable, an employee working at the restaurant said.


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