Friends at times become more than family members. However, then again there are persons who in the garb of friendship turn out to be worse than enemies. Hence one needs to choose friends carefully. No one deserves a bad friend who will disrupt mental peace and cause anxiety.
Some people are toxic for you and instead of dragging a toxic friendship; you should probably consider dropping them and replacing them with those who really care about your well-being.
Here are the kinds of friends that you should stay away from:
Gossip Mongers: Some friends are always updated on the latest news and they love hearing gossip. You’re truly better off without such people in your life as these people are prone to telling lies. The gossip they create turns into headache. If they’re gossiping about others, remember that they won’t hesitate to gossip about you as well no matter how close you are.
Vampires: There are some friends with whom you always feel drained. The conversation usually revolves around their problems and complaints. A friend is one, with whom you can share anything but these types of friends use you as an emotional dumping ground to release their tensions. If you are consistently exhausted after spending time with someone, the consequence is that you will have nothing left to give to yourself and the people you love.
Debbie-Downer: Great friends can be huge support systems. With the Debbie-Downer type, you may find that your friendship has unintentionally turned into a never-ending therapy session. Whenever you attempt to share any positive news, she counteracts with the negativity.