
Pride and Prejudice literary session organised by BPC

Book and Poetry Club holds interesting sessions ahead of Pride parade

Bhubaneswar: Bibliophiles of Bhubaneswar and Bhubaneswar Poetry Club organised two Queer literary sessions titled ‘Beyond the Binary’ and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ here Saturday and Sunday respectively. The events were organised ahead of ‘Pride Parade’ which is scheduled to be organised here August 4. Kshirabdhi Tanaya...

A ‘mystery’ in a world of thrillers

Bhubaneswar: “Each person is an enigma. You’re a puzzle not only to yourself but also to everyone else, and the great mystery of our time is how we penetrate this puzzle.”—Theodore Zeldin The words of Zeldin reverberate in one’s mind while reading RV Raman’s latest...

Akshay fans attempt Bottle Cap Challenge

The Bottle Cap Challenge reportedly originated June 25, courtesy of Taekwondo instructor and fighter Farabi Davletchin. It was later popularised by Hollywood star Jason Stathampost news network BHUBANESWAR: The Double Cap Challenge keeps sweeping social media feeds ever since it came into vogue a week...

‘Each one plant one’

BHUBANESWAR: Plantation drives in various schools and colleges marked the beginning of Van Mahotsav Week here Monday. Educational institutions are conducting a number of activities on the occasion to sensitise students to plant trees and conserve the environment. Students of BJEM School at BJB Nagar...

When earthlings celebrate music

AGENCIES The World Music Day is celebrated every year June 21 in over 120 countries including its country of origin France where it is known as ‘Fête de la Musique’ meaning ‘festival of music’ to honour both amateur and professional musicians. The idea was conceived...


AGENCIES Yoga has gained huge popularity around the world over the last decade. Derived from Sanskrit, the word yoga means ‘to unite’.  Experts believe ‘yoga asanas’ are the most effective ways to establish a deep connection between the body and mind. That is why it...

The world needs ‘safe blood for all’

This year, World Blood Donor Day will once again be celebrated around the world June 14. The event serves to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood and also to raise awareness of the need for regular blood donations to ensure...

‘Political inclinations shouldn’t affect creativity’

Having authored six bestselling novels, Ravinder Singh is back with a hilarious, moving story of friendship and adventure in ‘The Belated Bachelor Party’. The author’s eight-year-long IT career started with Infosys and ended in Microsoft, where he worked as a senior programme manager before deciding...

Hopes pinned on new government for biodiversity conservation

BHUBANESWAR: With the formation of new government in the state, experts have called for an immediate attention towards conservation of flora and fauna whose over exploitation has depleted the biodiversity of many environmentally sensitive areas. In a case study done at Mandasaru village, by this...

Roll out the red carpet for urban farmers

BHUBANESWAR: Are you the new gardening enthusiasts and looking to grow vegetables, herbs, and fruits in the pot, terrace, rooftop, outside wall and city tower?  Are you fed up with the neck-breaking and fast-paced life and dream of having a healthy food and balanced lifestyle?...


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