Tips to find hidden cameras in hotel rooms with your Smartphone

Hidden cameras are often misused and becoming more problematic with cheap options disguised as everyday objects. Hotel rooms are often hiding such tiny hidden cameras that are able to live-stream footage, even in the dark.

People booking rooms with services like Oyo and Airbnb have found hidden cameras in their rooms. Here is a quick and easy way to spot a hidden camera. All you need is a Smartphone.

Step 1: Turn off all lights. Make sure it’s as dark as possible. Pitch black will be ideal.

Step 2: Open up your smartphone camera and point it at suspicious areas like clocks, shelves, weirdly placed decorative items and any other place you could think of where such cameras could be hidden.

Step 3: Look for small white spots emitting from anywhere. Move the camera around and be as thorough as possible. Your eyes won’t be able to see these spots but the smartphone camera will be able to detect it quite easily. Any such spots you find could be a hidden camera.

Hidden cameras are often laced with infrared (IR) blasters that help them see in the dark. IR light cannot be detected by the human eye, which is why these cameras are impossible to spot in the dark with the naked eye. However, cameras can detect light from the infrared spectrum and hence are able to spot these devices easily.

Remember, the presence of such devices in your rooms is evidence to incriminate your hotel. Take videos of such devices as proof and report the matter to the police immediately.


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