Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, M.K. Stalin Sunday paid a visit to the Kauvery hospital in Chennai to meet the ailing super star of South Indian cinema, Rajinikanth. The matinee idol underwent a carotid artery revascularization surgery a couple of days ago after he complained of uneasiness.
Stalin, reached the hospital and visited Rajinikanth, and spent some time with him. He enquired about the health of the superstar who is likely to be discharged in a couple of days.
Rajinikanth was admitted to the Kauveri hospital in Chennai October 28. His wife Latha and other close family members maintained that Rajinikanth was admitted for a routine medical check-up but there were reports that he was suffering from uneasiness and breathlessness.
On October 29, the Kauveri hospital had issued a medical bulletin stating that the superstar underwent carotid artery revascularization.
The statement said, “Mr Rajinikanth was admitted in Kauvery hospital, Alwarpet, Chennai October 28 following an episode of giddiness. He was thoroughly examined by an expert team of doctors and was advised to undergo Carotid artery revascularization. The procedure was performed successfully today (October 29) and he is recovering well. He is likely to be discharged from the hospital in a few days.”
The latest movie of the superstar, Annaatthe is to be released globally on Deepavali day, November 4.
Meanwhile, fans of Rajinikanth conducted special poojas for his speedy recovery at Tirupakyandram Murugan temple at Madurai Sunday by breaking 108 coconuts and also performing ‘Man Soru’ (eating from the floor).
The fans also performed special poojas for the success of his upcoming movie Annaatthe.