To stay healthy, sugar patients should follow these measures during monsoon

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Diabetes makes people vulnerable to serious diseases and infections. This is why it’s important to take good care and keep diabetes at distance. As the seasons change, our body tries to adapt to the new environment and factors.

All seasons have different aspects. Like other seasons, Monsoon also has its sorrows and joys. Most of the people like rain but humidity sucks and humidity start to wreak havoc with our health.

Therefore, diabetic patients should go about taking care of their health during monsoon.

Do not walk barefoot – Avoid going long distances in sleepers or open footwear. High blood sugar contributes to poor blood flow. It can also damage the nerves in your feet. The deterioration of the nerves in the legs is called neuropathy. Monitor your feet daily. You can set a bathing routine for him.

Don’t take injuries lightly– Foot problems such as fungal infections of the feet or athlete’s foot may seem insignificant, but can turn into major problems as poor circulation delays healing time, opening the door to dangerous infections. If you have any foot problems and are diabetic, concern a doctor immediately.

Do not skip bath on time– Not only because of corona virus but also diabetic also need to keep all kinds of pathogens away, give priority to bathing daily. Use warm water to wash off soap and germs efficiently. Clean, cut, file nails.

Drink enough water– Water keeps you hydrated. The waste products of the body need cleaning and for that a lot of hydration is needed. Diabetic and kidney patients should consult a doctor about the minimum and maximum water intake prescribed.

Intake immunity boosting foods – Minimize such foods which reduce your health condition. Cut down on sugar, fats and meat. Eat immunity boosting foods. Diabetes patients should eat at least two fruits and 3 vegetables daily.

Avoid overeating – Bad weather limits physical activity during monsoons, so avoid consuming extra calories. If you feel that you can eat a little more, then it is better to stop. This will give space to your digestive juices. Take a short walk inside the house, do not sleep immediately after dinner.

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