Bhubaneswar: Anupam Patnaik-directorial Trikanya had its trailer released at a City hotel, Tuesday. Apart from director Patnaik, other artists including Barsha Patnaik, Manoj Mishra, Aman, Sradha Panigrahi, Partha Sarathi Ray, Nishanth Majithia, Sukant Rath, Nivy, and Sijan Mohapatra were also present at the event. “The film comprises three unique narratives, each portraying a different facet of women’s lives. These stories explore themes of companionship, motherhood, and the complexities of marital relationships. Each tale unfolds with its own secrets and revelations, offering a glimpse into the emotional journeys of the women at their core,” revealed the director. Trikanya will hit big screens on Women’s Day, March 8, 2024, he added.
Oligarchy In Making
The conspicuous presence of the three American tycoons – Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos – in the forefront...
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