Two persons test positive for anthrax in Odisha’s Koraput

Koraput: Two persons were found positive for anthrax in Odisha’s Koraput district, officials said on Friday.

The patients who hail from Padaiguda village in Koraput block were admitted to the SLN Medical College and Hospital, they said.

The outbreak is linked to a feast June 14, where at least 10 families of the village had consumed meat of a cattle that died of anthrax, they added.

“Following the incident, 410 people were screened as a precautionary measure. Blood samples of six villagers were sent for laboratory tests, and two of them were found positive for anthrax,” said Muktikanta Khatua, the Additional District Public Health and Medical Officer.

Khatua said both the patients are stable.

“Anthrax is spread by consuming the meat of cattle that have died of the disease. We are raising awareness among villagers to avoid consuming such meat and are taking steps to prevent the disease from spreading to other areas,” he said.


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