Tyranny, chaos, anarchy: Congress describes Modi govt’s 100 days

New Delhi: The Congress Sunday hit out at the Modi government which has completed 100 days in office, saying that the period can be described in three words – ‘tyranny, chaos and anarchy’.

On the completion of 100 days of the Modi government, the opposition party posted various figures on its official Twitter handle to claim that the period has resulted in an economic slump.

“Three words that describe the first 100 days of BJP 2.0 – tyranny, chaos and anarchy,” the Congress said.

“Eight sectors have recorded a growth rate below 2 per cent and our Finance Minister still refuses to accept that our economy is in free fall. If the BJP continues this path of negligence & deceit, we are headed towards recession,” the party said.

A steep fall in the GDP from last year is a direct result of the government’s ignorance and ‘gross mismanagement’ of economy, the Congress alleged in a series of tweets.

“By disregarding voices of the industry, economists & former PM Dr (Manmohan) Singh, BJP has proved itself to be completely incompetent in handling the economy,” it said in a series of tweets.

“The automobile sector is facing its worst-ever crisis in years and all the  government has to say our economy is doing better than US and China,” the party said.

The solution to problems comes with acknowledging them first, which this government has failed to do, it said.

“BJP Politics 101: When all else fails, arrest high profile Opposition leaders & hope the public doesn’t notice you have failed in every field,” the party alleged.

The Congress also claimed that the BJP treats ‘Parliament like a notice board’ as  bills are not debated or discussed but presented just to complete a formality.

“This is a sign of a weakening democracy,” the Congress said in another tweet with the hashtag ‘100 Days No Vikas’.


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