Vegas Octagon: Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg cage fight to take place at this venue

Vegas Octagon Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, cage fight

Pic- MMA Daily

Las Vegas: The UFC Apex arena in Las Vegas, also known as Vegas Octagon or the Octagon is the place where Twitter boss Elon Musk and Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg will fight their promised cage match (if all goes as per plan) to sort out their everlasting differences for good.

The Tesla boss himself spoke about the venue on Twitter. Check it out.

Another Twitter user wrote this:

It all started Wednesday, when Musk replied to a tweet about news that Meta will release a Twitter competitor.

“I’m sure Earth can’t wait to be exclusively under Zuck’s thumb with no other options. At least it will be ‘sane’. Was worried there for a moment,” Musk said.

To this, a user replied, “Better be careful @elonmusk I heard he does the ju jitsu now.”

“I’m up for a cage match if he is lol,” Twitter-owner replied.

Then, on Thursday, Zuckerberg posted a screenshot of Musk’s tweet on his Instagram story with the caption, “send me location.”

ALSO READ: Elon Musk demonstrates ‘Walrus Move’ to defeat Mark Zuckerberg in viral cage fight

The banter quickly went viral, with many people weighing in on who they thought would win. While some people believe that Musk’s physical size and strength would give him an advantage, others think that Zuckerberg’s intelligence and fighting skills would give him an edge if the fight really takes place. As things stand, the exchange has certainly generated a lot of interest across the board, and it will be interesting to see if it leads to anything more.

Later, a user posted a screenshot of Zuckerberg’s story on Twitter, to which Musk replied, “If this is for real, I will do it.”

“This would be hilarious,” Musk responded to another user who posted about the cage fight.

Earlier this month, Twitter-owner had posted, “Zuck my *tongue emoji*”

In March, Musk had mocked Meta for planning to launch a dedicated Twitter-like social media application and called it “copy cat”.

Back in 2017, Tesla CEO had hit back at Zuckerberg, saying that the Meta CEO’s understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) is ‘limited’.

PNN & Agencies 

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