Jakarta: Wrestler Vinesh Phogat created history by becoming the first Indian woman to win gold in the Asian Games, here Monday. Vinesh emerged triumphant in the 50kg category dominating the event all through from the start. However, Sakshi Malik and Puja Dhanda lost their semifinal bouts and will now fight for the bronze. Sakshi was responsible for the loss as she played very defensively in her semifinal bout.
In shooting it was a good day for India also with Lakshay Sheoran and Deepak Kumar winning silver medals in their respective events. Deepak finished second on the podium in the men’s 10m air rifle while Sheoran lost out on a gold medal by a narrow margin in the men’s trap event.
Sepak takraw which has been included in the Games for the first time saw the Indian men assure themselves of a bronze by entering the semifinals while in rowing Dushyant Chauhan and the Indian men’s quadruple sculls team finished first in their respective heats to reach the finals.
Strategic Snub
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