Watch video: Man risks life to save drowning peacock

In an act of humanity, a middle-aged man put his own life in risk to save a peacock from drowning inside a well. With the help of a rope, the man climbed down the well and saved the beautiful peacock. The video of the rescue operation has been going viral on social media.

Netizens have been praising the man for his kindness. They have been heaping praises on him for his bravery and claim that humanity is still alive. The incident reportedly took place back in October in Thuraiyur town in Tiruchirappalli district of Tamil Nadu.

The matter came to the fore after one of the spectator shot the video and uploaded it on social media.

In the video, a man rappels down the well with the help of a makeshift harness while others stay up to help him to descend smoothly. In some time, the man reaches the water, he momentarily freezes before getting down. Eventually, he regains his composer and continues his mission. Finally, he reached the drowning peacock, gets hold of it, and signals his associates to pull him back up.

The video further shows the man releasing the bird after coming out of the well.

Back in November, a similar surfaced online. It shows a group of rescuers climbing down 40-foot-deep tank to rescue a stray dog. The stray was stuck in the tank for 7 days before being rescued by an NGO.

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