We took the pandemic as a challenge: Rabindra Kumar Lenka

JRF Fashion Managing Director Rabindra Kumar Lenka

Jayram Lenka is a leading business in the readymade garment retail sector in the state. Despite the boom in online shopping, it has garnered the trust and love of its customers for its quality products. Excerpt from the interview with JRF Fashion Managing Director Rabindra Kumar Lenka:

What impact did COVID-19 have on your business?

We continuously face ups and downs in our business. But a business people always prefer to be alerted to carry forward their business. Yes, the pandemic was a major crisis for us for a awhile. But we took it as a challenge and stood firm. Nevertheless, it impacted us for a period of time. We did not fight it alone, but everyone together. We remained calm and alerted and faced the challenge wisely.

Was there any change in consumer behaviour post lockdown?

First of all, we focused on creating awareness among our customers and encouraged them not to panic. Though the impact of COVID-19 was severe in the market, it did have a major affect on business. Now we are again seeing normal business in the market. Every sector will grow again, even Jayram Lenka industry.

Did you receive any support from the government?

The pandemic was a disaster not only to individuals but also to the state, country and world. However, Odisha government along with the Union government worked hard to contain the outbreak. Lockdowns and shutdowns at the right time helped to contain the virus from spreading. The governments are doing their best to keep us safe.

How does Jayram Lenka see competition in the market?

We have been satisfying our customers since its inception. In fact, we have set an example in the market. Our industry has grown because of customers’ love and affection. Jayram Lenka aims to be present in every corner of the state to offer our services.

Do you have any expansion plan?

We aim to be present everywhere. Our target is to be at the service of our customers always and at all times. We are optimistic about the future.

E-commerce is becoming popular. What would you say to customers buying from brick-and-mortar stores?

There is a big difference between buying online and offline. Customers always believe in a touch-and-feel factor. Many have regretted buying online as they didn’t get the same quality product that they saw on their mobile phone or computer screen. Customers trust and believe us. There is a lot of confidence in the touch-and-feel medium.

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