Viksit Odisha @2036

Weekly horoscope: Confidence will take you places this week


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Here is a guide to the week ahead for you. This is your forecast for March 15-21


At times you may feel low on confidence which can hamper your productivity and performance. However, with some effort and dedication, you will be able to outshine your competitors. Some of you are likely to get a chance to travel abroad for business and professional opportunities. Employed people might face some sudden events like transfers. If you are involved in any legal matter, then avoid taking any decision for the time being. You are advised to be careful while spending as some unwanted expenditures may create a hole in your pocket. Businesspeople may incur some losses during this period, so avoid hasty investments. On the personal front, both committed couples and married people may face some ups and downs in relationship. On the health front, you may encounter problems such as insomnia and headaches.

Tip of the week: Keep your confidence high


This will be a beneficial period for you and the stars will help you achieve your desired results. Professionally, you are likely to earn from multiple sources, which will help you increase your status. You will be able to make new connections which will be of great help to you in the long run. Projects that were put on hold for a long time will gain momentum now. Your relationship with your seniors will remain cordial and you will get support from them. Also, there are indications of a purchase of property. This is also a good time to make new investments. You will be full of innovative ideas and will be appreciated for the same at your workplace. Some of you may get benefits from the government and administration. Those in a committed relation will see their relations sail through smoothly.

Tip of the week: Be innovative


This week you will be inclined to contribute towards the society in some way or the other which will increase your stature in your social circle. Professionally, this period will yield favourable outcomes. You will be able to accomplish each and every project that you undertake, which will enable you to attain a position of authority and influence. You are likely to achieve recognition and promotion in the workplace and you will also get along well with your seniors. Those of you working in the government sector, public dealing and communications will get favourable results. Also, those of you who want to convert their hobbies and skills into profession might see this period delivering results in your favour. Personally, you will get support from your siblings.

Tip of the week: Contribute to a social cause


This week you will receive some new opportunities to increase your income and accumulate wealth. Professionally, you may encounter some competition at your workplace but with consistent efforts you will get success. Businesspeople are likely to receive expected results and good flow of cash during this period. You can meet some influential person which will present you with a new dimension to your life. On the personal level, you will get the support and affection from your family members. You may also participate in religious activities which will increase your satisfaction quotient. However, the health of your father may remain weak during this period, so take proper care of him. On the health front, take due precautions concerning any seasonal infection.

Tip of the week: Adopt a new perspective


This week will bring mixed results for you. Professionally, slow progress, unprecedented changes and not getting the desired results for your efforts at the workplace may dampen your confidence and create self-doubt. But this will create a strong foundation for the future, so have faith in your potential, work on your skills and be optimistic. At times, you can be a bit harsh in your communication which can lead to an uncomfortable position at the workplace. Also, this is not a favourable period to make any kind of investments, as it may lead to losses. Businesspeople should take decisions according to the resources at their disposal. On the personal front, you will get support from your partner. This period is favourable for introspection, which will help you reflect on your past mistakes and learn from them.

Tip of the week: Introspect and learn from your past


This week you need to put in sincere efforts to achieve the desired results at your workplace. Some misunderstanding with seniors can hamper your progress at the work front. Those in business partnerships can face some dispute with their partner. This is also not a great period to start any kind of new business, partnerships or joint ventures. However, those of you working in the field of import-export or multinational companies are likely to get beneficial results. Financially, your expenses may rise during this period. Your relationship with your spouse may remain strained. So, you are advised to avoid arguments. Some of you may face rejection in love matters. Therefore, wait for a better time to approach the person you like. Healthwise, some problems related to backache and stomach can bother you.

Tip of the week: Avoid any new venture


This week, your life will be filled with enthusiasm and energy to fulfill your desires which will make you happy. You will have the necessary strength and vitality to fight against or recover from any illness that may have been bothering you for a long time. This is also a good period that will see you outshine your opponents and get success in legal matters. Professionally, your efforts will gain appreciation, your relations with your seniors will improve which will lead to growth. Businesspeople might get help from financial institutions or banks in the form of loans that will help them to successfully expand their business. On the personal front, it a good period to enter into new relationships. Also, harmony and bliss will prevail in the old relationships.

Tip of the week: Appreciate the bliss around you


This week you will be able to execute your ideas with great authority and precision leading to growth in your professional arena. Your communication and presentation skills will improve and you will be able to handle problems and pressures with great determination which will improve your reputation at the workplace. However, some of you working in the government sector might face sudden transfer or shift in job profile. Businesspeople may find this period a little frustrating as they may not get the desired profit. On the personal front, the health of your father may decline causing stress in the family environment. If you are married, then the progress of your children will make you happy, however, your relationship with your spouse may be marred by ego clashes and temperamental issues.

Tip of the week: Work on your presentation skills


This week you are advised to keep a tab on your speech while communicating with seniors and subordinates at the workplace as any miscommunication could harm your image. The workload is likely to remain high, which will add to your mental stress. Unexpected journeys may further aggravate problems. Those in business are advised to stay cautious regarding their investments and matters related to land and property may take some time to fructify. On the personal front, you need to be watchful of your mother’s health. Avoid being rude with your family members and refrain from adopting a dominating attitude to ensure a blissful domestic environment. In matters related to love, this may not be the right time to express your feelings to your beloved. If you are married, then this period might make you overcritical in relationships leading to arguments with your spouse.

Tip of the week: Do not look to dominate in relationships


This is a period full of happiness, progress and prosperity as your efforts are likely to fetch positive results. This week you are likely to experience growth on the professional front. Some of you may also get promotion or raise in salary due for a long time. Businesspeople are likely to seal profitable deals and agreements. Any journeys undertaken during this period will provide you with positive outcomes. On the personal front, you will be able to spend quality time with your beloved or spouse, which will strengthen the bond between you two. Your relative and family members will appreciate your efforts to keep the family together and pay you due respect. In terms of health, this is a good period to try out new exercise regimes and diet plans as they will help you to enhance your fitness.

Tip of the week: Spend quality time with your beloved


During this week you are advised to keep a check on your temperament and communication as it could lead to friction within the family and with friends. Those who are employed may face some changes or transfers in their workplace. Those who own their business in the form of partnerships may experience some differences with their partners. This is not a feasible period for investments and any critical decision should be postponed. Nonetheless, you may experience sudden gains from matters relating to ancestral property. In terms of personal life, those single are likely to meet someone special. Committed couples may go on an adventure trip. On the health front, you might face some problems related to eyesight and teeth.

Tip of the week: Control your temperament


Some of you may experience decline in health. You may face recurring problems related to headache, eyesight, cold and cough. In terms of professional life, you may experience fatigue at the workplace, making it difficult for you to concentrate, which can hamper your productivity. Hence, try to work on this aspect to improve your performance. Businesspeople might not get favourable results and experience lack of cooperation from partners or from people working under them. Also, avoid making hasty decisions when it comes to finances, otherwise, you could incur huge losses. In personal life, you have to keep control over your anger as it may lead to arguments with your loved ones. Students will perform exceptionally well in their area of study.

Tip of the week: Avoid burnout in your work life


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