Weekly horoscope: People with these zodiac signs must guard their health


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Here is a guide to the week ahead for you. This is your forecast for July 5-11.


This week will be a hectic one for you. There will be plenty of unfinished tasks and you will need to concentrate hard to complete them. At the workplace, do work allocation diligently so that you are able to meet deadlines. There could be unnecessary expenses which can impact your financial situation. So, spend wisely. You may not be able to spend time with family members due to excess workload. Nonetheless, your family will remain supportive which will be a source of motivation for you. The time is highly favourable for students and their performance will be outstanding. On the health front, guard against infections relating to eyes, ears and nose.

Tip of the week: Spend wisely


This week, you will remain mentally relaxed as your workload will be low which will provide you spare time. You are advised to utilise this time productively for learning or educational activities. Those in business are likely to incur loss, hence stay away from any new investment for now. Your quality family time will increase. Those in a relationship are likely to experience some turmoil due to temperamental issues with your partner. It is advisable to avoid discussing any serious matter this week. Students preparing for any competitive exam will need to put their best foot forward to achieve their goals. Take care of ailments concerning head and spine.

Tip of the week: Utilise your time productively


This week will prove to be a breath of fresh air in your life. New opportunities will arise for job change and there are strong indications of a new offer landing in your lap. Some of you are likely to get new projects and may have to travel to a new location. Those of you awaiting visa for foreign movement will hear good news. For businesspersons, new investments are foreseen which will help expand their venture. But, be careful regarding any documentation work. There could be some fresh disputes in your family life which can keep the domestic environment stressed. You will be able to get rid of your past medical issues related to nervous system and digestion.

Tip of the week: Travel on the cards


This week, you will be able to put in your best efforts and try to accomplish every task with great enthusiasm. You will be full of creative ideas and those in business will be able to earn good profits by making use of their ideas to earn money. However, before signing any document, you are advised to read it carefully to avoid any miscommunication later. Any unwanted incident with a close relative can cause disturbance in the family environment. Students are advised to concentrate on studies and put in their best efforts from the very beginning. You could face some health issues this week relating to lower abdomen and will also remain susceptible to injuries.

Tip of the week: Keep up your enthusiasm


This week, you will be inclined to meet new people and develop contacts. This will not only help you grow professionally, but will also keep your social life active, thereby leading to happiness. You can voluntarily get involved in any activity or plan that will demonstrate your execution skills. Financially, this is a positive period to invest in new schemes and plans. But stay away from lending money to anyone. You will be able to give enough time to your family and mutual bonding will increase. A short visit to a relative’s place can prove to be relaxing. It is a good idea to involve yourself in spiritual pursuits as it will keep your mind balanced.

Tip of the week: Sharpen your networking skills


During the beginning of the week, you need to go slow and execute your plans methodically. Your momentum could be low during this time due to which you may not be able to focus on your work. Use this time to introspect and plan, rather than execute any major work. During the second half of the week, luck will support you and you will be able to complete all pending work. You will be successful in repaying your debt. You will get the support of your friends, but differences of opinion on a small matter with family members can disturb the peace of the house. This is a positive phase for students aspiring to pursue professional education.

Tip of the week: Introspect and go slow


This week, you will strive to achieve happiness and contentment. However, your mental peace may be disturbed due to some reason or the other. Do consult your mentor or elders before taking any major decision of your life. The office environment will be a bit troublesome as some pending work or issue can haunt you. Financially, you can invest in new schemes, but not in real estate or vehicle. Your relationship with family members will strengthen and there will be mutual support. However, the health of your mother will need medical attention. Your spouse could see some changes career wise. Reading a book or listening to music can help you keep focus.

Tip of the week: Strive for mental peace


This week, instead of spending your energy on a lot of work, only focus on those tasks which are necessary. You are prone to make mistakes relating to your work, hence don’t make promises which you cannot keep. This week is likely to be quite good in terms of financial matters. You will be provided with many opportunities, with the help of which you will be able to increase your income and add to your accumulated wealth. You will get immense happiness in family matters as any old issue will now be resolved. Students need to avoid distraction and focus on academics to achieve favourable results. Health issues relating to throat should be attended to.

Tip of the week: Take small steps


You will feel a little upset this week because of the behaviour of people around you. This will also increase your mental stress, as well as you may get into futile arguments with them. In terms of career, you have to avoid unnecessary delays while completing any task or put it aside for later. Only then you will be able to get the support and appreciation of your seniors on the field. This week is going to be very special for students as they will be inclined and motivated to excel. The sudden arrival of a guest at your home can disturb the family atmosphere. On the health front, you should remain active by participating in physical activities.

Tip of the week: Avoid delay in executing any work


This week, your energy level will remain somewhat subdued, which can impact your performance at work. You are advised to recharge your mind by engaging in meditation. Workload will be immense, and you need to prioritise your tasks. Financially, avoid any lucrative offers for sudden gain else you may end up losing money. On the domestic front, relationship with your spouse can be affected due to temperamental issues. Health issues to the partner are also likely. The week is extremely important for students to overcome their weaknesses and move forward. Your health could be impacted. You should take care of urinary infections and eyes.

Tip of the week: Maintain your energy level


Some wrong decisions taken in the past can come and haunt you, causing disturbance. In such a situation, try to solve every problem patiently and calmly, and consult your family members as much as possible. Otherwise, you will find yourself alone which will add to the existing problem. Married couples are advised to take special care of their children’s health this week. Those of you living away from home will feel lonely. They are advised to go out and spend time with some friends. During this week, any ongoing issue in the family can disrupt your professional stability. Health issues relating to chest and lungs should not be overlooked.

Tip of the week: Take advice of elders


This week, you will be full of energy which you should channelize to your advantage. Meeting new people and avoiding solitude will surely help you stay happy and cheerful. Career will remain good and there will be new opportunities for growth. You will be in the mood to spend some leisurely moments away from your busy life and may opt to travel with your family. If somebody has got married in your family, they may receive news of a new member in their life. Some of you can hope to travel abroad if looking out. Students will get relief from any ongoing issues in studying. Try to give some time to physical activities as well.

Tip of the week: Channelize your energy


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