Chikiti: A rare Whale shark, which was grounded at Sonapur sea beach under this block in Ganjam district Monday afternoon, died after efforts by the villagers to push it back to the sea failed. The weight of the 10-metre-long fish will be approximately 300 kg, Block Fishery Extension Officer Priyabrata Das said. Even though Sonapur villagers tried hard to push the shark into the sea, it was not possible owing to the size and weight of the shark and large waves hitting the seashore. The giant shark eventually died after lying for a long time on the beach. A proper autopsy will be conducted Tuesday and burial will be done on the beach, Das said. Though it is said that sharks come near the beach after getting old, local intelligentsia alleged that excess use of fishing trawlers and big nets to catch fish despite the fishing ban led to such incidents.
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