Whale’s body rotting, autopsy doubtful

post news network

Bhubaneswar, Dec 6: The sperm whale which was washed ashore the Beleswar river mouth near Astarang in Puri district has started putrefying, with locals saying the foul smell emanating from the body is unbearable.

This has cast doubts on the possibility of an autopsy, which was being deferred due to several reasons. Sources said an autopsy under such circumstances is unlikely given the foul smell.

Sources said a team of veterinary surgeons visited the spot Saturday but were unable to proceed with the autopsy due to lack of required equipment and manpower.

“The body of the whale has started decaying and is giving off a very bad smell. The more time officials take the more difficult it will become to even go near the dead whale because of the smell,” said Sovankar Behera, a local wildlife expert in Astarang.

Meanwhile, officials of Regional Museum of Natural History (RMNH) are waiting for approval from the forest department to visit the site and obtain the skeleton of the giant mammal.

“We are yet to receive approval from the wildlife warden. We will try our best to bring the bones of the mammal and preserve it for posterity,” said RMNH zoologist Shiva Prashad Parida.

Sources said RMNH will get approval Monday after which a team will leave for Astarang to claim the skeleton. The whale’s body has been fenced and is being guarded by forest officials.

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