An employee shared a bizarre story about his work experience on Reddit. He revealed that he was fired just 20 days after joining a Gurgaon-based startup. According to his post, the employer accused him of having an attitude problem and not being down to earth.
The man, who wished to remain anonymous, claimed that problems started soon after he joined the company, though he couldn’t understand why he was being perceived that way. “I didn’t understand, but still, I said I don’t have an attitude problem, and I’ll work on it—even though I didn’t understand why he was saying that.”
On Reddit, he further alleged that his employer had an issue with him and two other new employees taking tea breaks together. He was reportedly told, “Don’t form groups; it’s not good for the company.” The situation escalated when the employer started criticising him for leaving the office on time. “You’re leaving exactly at 7 o’clock; it’s not good,” the man recalled.
On the 20th day, he was asked to work from the director’s cabin instead of his desk. He questioned, “Who works like that in a cabin all day with the director?” Later that day, he peeked outside the cabin to check if his colleague was still there for their usual evening tea break. This simple act triggered the director. “The director suddenly got frustrated and said, ‘Why are you looking outside while I’m talking?’ Then, asked HR to terminate me immediately,” he wrote.
The post sparked discussions online, with many calling the employer’s behavior inappropriate. Others shared their own bizarre workplace experiences. One user wrote, “These people are rubbish, seriously.” Another added, “Good riddance to bad garbage.”