Why is X written on the last bogie of train?

Every day millions of people travel by train. Have you ever seen the last bogie of the train? Probably not, many people will never see or read the last bogie of the train. Today, we will tell you the meaning of ‘X’ written at last bogie of train.

This mark is made so that the train staff can know that the entire train has gone. If you have ever paid attention, then you may have seen that there is a mark on X on the last box of train. Have you ever wondered what this means? This X mark is made of white and red on the last bogie.

Not only was this, on the last compartment of many trains, a lamp of electricity also started. This lamp glows once in 5 second. According to the rule, it is mandatory to have this mark on the last bogie of every train. Apart from this, there is also a board on last bogie of train where ‘LV’ is written.

This board is written in English and its color is black or white. This board means the Last Vehicle. If a train has passed and the staff does not see the LV board, then it means that the entire train has not come. In this situation emergency action is started.

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