‘Why so serious?’ say hi to happiness

Often people tend to become pessimistic or adopt a negative view of looking at things; they complain, bicker, compare themselves to others, start a drama that nobody wants more of, and simply see the glass half empty.

One should always carry positive attitude, learn from mistakes, and express gratitude since no matter what the conditions are only we can change if change is needed, say most of the doctors and psychologists who deal in personality development.

Here are some simple steps to keep happiness:

Start Living: Instead of enjoying life, some people chase a vague idea of happiness. If you look hard, you are bound to blur the periphery of your vision. Instead keep a broader view and enjoy the journey you are at keeping a constant goal. Wanting more is fine, but enjoying the effort is more important.

Forfeit expectation: Expecting nothing means never being disappointed. We tend to have unreasonable expectations. Everyone wants the life of a Rock Star but even Rock Starts have a real life and most of the lives are not devoid of struggles; everyone has a unique life and thus comparing and expecting are useless. However you should compare your own life ‘now and then’ and naturally expect better in the future.

Sleep Well: Myriads of experiments and researches show and have all come to the same conclusion that lack of sleep leads to negativity. So sleep well and live a peaceful life.

Bin your negative thoughts:

It is wise to write all your negative thoughts and either tear them up or throw them in the trash or burn them. This experiment has helped a lot of individuals and it is considered an adopted method in personality development. Discarding the thoughts physically psychologically helps in reducing their toxic effects.









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