Wi-fi to be core of ‘Smart City’ plan

Jayakrishnan Vu
Post News Network

Bhubaneswar, August 2: A proposed Wi-Fi experiment for the capital city will reportedly be the first of its kind in the country, according to sources from the Software Technology Parks of India (STPI).
The project is aimed at providing blanket Wi-fi network coverage for the whole city with a data speed of 512 kbps (kilo bites per second).
Access points would be installed in the city to receive signals at every 100 m to enable proper reception of Wi-fi signals for citizens, it is learnt.
These access points are small electronic boxes that would transmit Wi-fi signals to users in the city.
The network would be connected to the access points through high speed optical fibers that would carry the huge data.
The Wi-Fi facility in the city is a part of the Smart City plan, envisioned by the Central government for better connectivity in the cities to bridge the digital divide and to use technology solutions to provide better government services and amenities for the citizens, officials added.
The project is envisioned not just as an internet service for citizens but also as a tool to function as a government-to-government and government-to-citizen interface.
Under government-to-government services, the network would help officials who are in the field to connect to their departments and with colleagues by logging onto the network facility.
Similarly, the public also can avail services such as paying their electricity bills and water bills using the network, as well as carrying out private tasks such as booking cabs, and reserving flight and train tickets.
Users would be given a onetime password for availing the Wi-Fi, which they get once they register with their mobile number.
Citizens will be charged for the network service in the trial run of the Wi-Fi itself, but they would be given a free time of 30 minutes every day, said STPI officials adding a fixed concrete model for the project  has not been finalised yet.
Users can opt for recharge options to use the network if they want higher data packages.  
The government has asked STPI to undertake a study in this regard for a self-sustained financial model for the

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