Bhubaneswar: Excise sleuths Sunday seized 275 grams of brown sugar in Salia Sahi slum, and arrested three persons, including a woman, in connection with the case. The accused were nabbed while they were attempting to sell the contraband to potential buyers in the area, an Excise official said. The trio was identified as Rahul Nayak, 22, Subhrajyoti Mohanty, 30 and Rasmita Padhi, 25 – all local residents. Their arrest from Sabar Sahi area of the slum was facilitated by a tip-off from an informer, the official said. A car has been seized from the trio which was used in the illicit activity, he added.
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What are the problems affecting those countries that made up pre-1947 India? There appear to be three important ones which...
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