Bargaon: A woman was trampled to death by a tusker at Jharmunda village under this block of Sundargarh district, Sunday night. The deceased was identified as Kasturi Nayak (35), wife of Rama Chandra Nayak, in the village. Rama Chandra who tried to save his wife from the marauding animal also suffered injuries. According to villagers, the tusker first damaged Ram Chandra’s mud thatched house Sunday night. As Ram Chandra and Kasturi tried to flee, the pachyderm attacked them. While Kasturi died on the spot, Ram Chandra fell unconscious after watching the horrific scene, villagers said. Thinking him to be dead, the elephant did not attack Ram Chandra. A few locals rescued the injured Ram Chandra and rushed him to a hospital in Bargaon. His condition is stated to be stable. On being informed, Forest department officials reached the spot and sent the body for post-mortem.
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