Gorakhpur: In a dramatic turn of events, two women, Kavita and Gunja, who had been friends for years after meeting on Instagram, found solace in each other’s company after enduring years of domestic abuse. On Thursday, they escaped their abusive husbands and got married in a quiet ceremony at a Shiva Temple in Deoria, Uttar Pradesh.
According to a source, the women took matters into their own hands, buying garlands and ‘sindoor’ (vermillion), and performing the marriage rituals themselves. Temple priest Uma Shankar Pandey confirmed the ceremony, where Gunja played the role of the groom, applying ‘sindoor’ to Kavita, exchanging garlands, and completing the seven pheras.
In a statement to the press, Kavita and Gunja shared their ordeal. Both women had been living with alcoholic and abusive husbands, which made life unbearable. Fed up with the torment, they decided to leave their husbands and start a new chapter together.
Kavita, who has four children, spoke about the daily abuse she faced at the hands of her alcoholic husband. She revealed that after repeated pleas for him to stop, the abuse continued, prompting her to return to her parents’ home. Gunja shared a similar story, explaining how her husband not only abused her but also falsely accused her of infidelity, pushing her to leave him.
Now, Kavita and Gunja plan to begin a new life in Gorakhpur, where they will rent a place to live. Despite the legal challenges same-sex couples face in India, the two women are determined to stay together and fight for their right to love and live peacefully.
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